Artz Collective
Terms & Conditions 2024
Absences / Holiday Policy: Please TEXT 0425 731 569 to let us know that you or your child will be absent, so we know you are safe.
If you notify us up to 24hrs prior to the class that you / your child will be absent for, the student is eligible to attend another class in place of the one they have missed within 1 week of the class you missed, or of your return to classes if ill or away. If you are going away for a period of two or more weeks, please ask us to amend your direct debit whilst you are away. If this occurs, no make-up classes are available to you. This option is not available for annual fee payments due to their already discounted prices.
Covid Safe Policies & Requirements: We will always follow the laws as required by the state and federal governments with regard to current Covid Safe restrictions & requirements for conducting our classes. These include vaccine mandates put in place by law & you must abide by these laws to attend our premises alongside utilising any check in systems / showing your vaccination status to any staff member upon request and or entry.
If you are awaiting a Covid test result you may not attend the studios until you have received a negative result. If you have tested positive for Covid you must receive your negative results please before attending classes again – we thank you for your care of our student community & their families.
If the student is sick for any reason, please stay home.
Our February – December Annual Season Tuition: All fees & tuition fees are payable in advance. Students with missed payments or accounts that are not up to date will need to set up a payment plan with us or pay their outstanding in one full payment in order to attend classes. Hire costumes for students to perform in will not be able to be issued to students with accounts in arrears.
Fees packages: Our all-inclusive Artz Membership Tuition Packages are non-negotiable on inclusions.
Accepted Payment methods: Tuition can be paid annually by credit card (charges apply), google pay, apple pay, eftpos or cash.
Tuition paid on a monthly or fortnightly basis is by debit from a credit or debit card only or google pay or apple pay for some users, through our reputable online studio software payment system. Adult students only may pay for casual one-off classes at a higher casual rate made by the means above.
Direct Debit Ts & Cs: Either of our direct debit company names, Stripe or Square may also show on your statement.
Concert Participation: Only students enrolled in a class in term 3 will be eligible to participate in our end of year concert Showcase production in Term 4.
Communicating with you! Rehearsals, Term Dates, Links & Important Dates: Email is our first & main point of communication with you. It is imperative we have an email address for your family that you can access and read the emails we send to you. Please stay on top of your emails from us. We will primarily communicate with you via email. It is the full responsibility of the student &/or their parents to be up to date with when rehearsals & exams, exam practises and other important dates are scheduled in our calendar.
Please don’t tell us you don’t read emails, we will not send out unnecessary ones, they will always be of value to you and your child so we ask you to always read any emails from us so you can be organised & stay informed.
Calendar: Late in the year prior or early in the new year the Artz Calendar becomes available. Please make a note of the link or bookmark it, or ask to take a copy of our calendar from reception or download it. it is a live document & is updated as soon as dates or ticket links etc come to hand.
Facebook Group / Instagram page: We highly recommend you join our facebook Group: Artz Students & Parents Group – and Like & Follow our Facebook page & instagram for regular updates and information as it is a brilliant tool which we use for communication with you alongside your emailed newsletters, which we try to keep to a minimum. For students on a membership package, you will also have access to the Google Classroom for your class where information, scripts, worksheets, music or practice videos may be posted.
Please join the Google Classroom for you class as soon as you are sent the join link. It will be emailed to the primary email address in the family portal. You will need a free gmail email address to join the Google Classroom and you can make one for free.
Class cancellation: If the Artz Collective cancels a class for any reason, we will attempt to either reschedule the class, or alternatively offer a make-up class for the missed class.
Move to Classes Online: If the Artz Collective must move a class, a day of classes or all classes online for any reason, we will continue to provide your classes as advised, with zoom links provided via our google classroom for each session. Please ensure you have joined your relevant google classrooms for the year. These are advised via email or by google classroom invitation at the start of the year or when you commence classes with us. You will require a gmail address as a username for our google classroom however it does not need to be a viable email inbox.
If you / your child is required to quarantine at home you / your child may elect to attend classes online as long as 24hrs prior notice is given to us to organise it and if a device is available for the teacher to utilise at the studios.
Extreme Heat Policy: Once the temperature reaches over 37.4 degrees, we will not hold class at the Artz Collective, even though we do have air conditioning. Some rehearsals may be held for special cases, so please check Facebook on the day. However normal weekly classes will not be held. These classes will either be rescheduled to the next school holidays as Heat Policy Classes, or students will be eligible to attend a make-up class.
Media Release: By coming to classes and participating at performances with and on behalf of the Artz Collective, you do understand that from time to time photographs and / or video footage may be taken and these may be used for publicity on the internet or in print media. By accepting to come to classes, you accept that this is the case and this material may be used for promotional purposes. To opt out of this, you need to let us know in writing before you / your child commences classes with us.
Changes to your class schedule: When you join, your debits will continue for three (3) months even if you cease attending the studios. You must notify us in writing for us to cancel your Tuition debit and you will be charged for your debits until such time as 30 days from the notice you have given us.
You must also notify us in writing to the office to change any classes or the frequency of your next month’s direct deposit. Once notified of any cancellation of classes you will continue to be charged at the original amount prior to cancellation for 30 days after notification and during this time the student is entitled to attend all the classes they have elected to change or cancel.
Costumes: All costumes are hire costumes that must be returned to Artz Collective unless otherwise specified and as such remain the property of the Artz Collective. Any costumes not returned will be charged for at the full price or reconstruction, and this may include the costs of the manufacture of a new set of costumes if one from a set is not returned these prices can be up to $300 per costume or $600 for Handmade Tutus or $900 for Solo Irish Dresses. Students who do not return costumes will be unable to attend classes until the account is paid or costumes returned in excellent condition.
Waiver: Whilst all care is taken in class and with our tuition and instruction systems, the Artz Collective cannot take responsibility for any injury incurred whilst on the Artz Collective grounds or property or in class with our teachers nor at home if classes are taken online. Students or their siblings must not be left unsupervised in the Artz Collective whilst not in class or enrolled in a Holiday Program.
Open Days: Open Day viewing of classes is held at the end of each term, restrictions and class commitments such as examination preparation permitting, or from time to time when requested by the teacher to allow parents to see how their child is going in their weekly class work.
Please take care to control younger siblings and limit the number of family members in each Open Day viewing, so as not to distract the students. Unless asked to by the teacher, parents and relatives of students are advised that using phones or tablets during these Open Day classes, or open classes or rehearsals of any kind is not permitted, please go outside of the classroom to use them.
Uniform: Uniform is compulsory at the Artz Collective for all Preschool and School Age Children. This is usually provided in your annual Registraiton Fee for children. Adults membership vary and it may not be included. Please see reception for details of what our uniform items are.
Safe dance or fitness wear must be worn by all adult students.
Hair: Hair must be tied back in ALL classes, and in a bun for ALL ballet classes for girls and boys just wear their hair off their face and tie it back if it is long. NB: IF HAIR IS NOT DONE: We will do your child’s hair for dance class if it is not done, using one of our Hair & Bun Packs, and you will incur a $15 non-refundable hair charge for this service each time it is required. Please check the Facebook group for ballet bun, ponytail or braiding hair tutorials.
Shoes: Correct, clean footwear with socks or tights is compulsory in ALL dance classes, and new students have 4 weeks grace to purchase their full class uniform.
Late Payments: A Late Payment fee, currently $20.00 however this is subject to change, will be charged to any missed debit and is due upon any debit payment missed without an arrangement being made in writing to the office by the student, parent or guardian.
Cessation of classes: You need to notify us in writing if you are ceasing classes and our 30 day cancellation policy from the time of this notification will come into effect with all charges continuing during the next 30 days, however the student is welcome to continue to attend class during these 30 days until their new package comes into effect. Once a student on Standard, Development or Elite Package enrols and commences classes your debits will continue from at least three (3) months of the starting date whether the students continues with classes or not. If you are unsure if your child will continue with classes for the duration of term 1, you can opt for a 3 Class Try-It Pass instead of fully enrolling. Once a student on Standard, Development or Elite Package commences classes in Term 4 of any year, their debits will continue until the end of the year’s payment schedule & no credit is given for classes ceased during Term 4.
Adult Students Changing Package Level Adult students wanting to move from a Standard, Development or Elite Package to a No Frills Package or casual classes will simply need to give 30 days notification and may attend all their usual scheduled Membership Tuition Package classes during this time.
Direct Debit Notification & altering your amount or account details. Once you have paid your initial direct debit (and registration fee for new students starting classes from February onwards) we will continue with your direct debit at the frequency you have requested for a minimum of three (3) months until the end of the current calendar year, whereupon your new 2025 enrolment will come into effect and any class updates and fee updates will also go into effect unless your previous notification to change classes from prior to December 18th 2024 has been received by the office, at which point the new package will come into effect for the following year. This agreement can be adjusted at any time to change payment details via your family portal or to increase your classes per week, however you will need to ensure this is possible with the teaching and administration staff and email us confirmation or sign a new direct debit form & return it to the office.
Please let us know ASAP if you are waiting to receive a new or replacement debit card as you will enter your new preferred card into in the family portal, or ask us to do it for you if you are unsure.
Filming and Performances: Parents/students may not dance publicly or place any routine or performance on any website including YouTube, Facebook or any social media without written consent from the Artz Collective when taught by an Artz Collective teacher. All dance, acrobatic, singing & drama routines, exercises and performance pieces remain the property of the Artz Collective, its teachers, the choreographers and the relevant dance societies.
Parents and students MUST NOT reproduce any of the routines for any reason without discussion from the Artz Collective and or relevant dance society. This includes the student’s primary/secondary school class activities, fetes, festivals, open days etc and you must request permission from the Principal and/or relevant teacher before taking video and/or photos on open days.
Here's Your Next Steps...

Follow Our
Facebook Page
Stay in touch with the latest Artz news and events by following us on our Facebook page. Make sure to say hi and introduce yourself.

Book Your
Trial Class
All our new students are welcome to try out classes before committing to ongoing lessons. Just take your pick and let the fun begin!